It is never too late to reap the health benefits of activity. The below citation from the National Strength and Conditioning Associations exercise guide for seniors pretty well sums it up.
--The value of exercise is a fact. "The our individual and collective well-being is so widespread that serious challenge to it is simply untenable. With the passage of time, the health benefits are magnified. Steve Blair's*...paper showed that the older we become, the more crucial physical conditioning becomes to our survival. Exercise for the young is an option, exercise for the old is imperative."
(Walter bortz, MD, author of "Dare to be 100.")
*Dr. Blair is Director of Research at The Cooper Institute.
Make your activities of daily living much easier through strength, cardio & muscular endurance, and flexibility training. These will lead to an improvement in your body composition, helping you to look and feel the best you can.
Be amazing,
--The value of exercise is a fact. "The our individual and collective well-being is so widespread that serious challenge to it is simply untenable. With the passage of time, the health benefits are magnified. Steve Blair's*...paper showed that the older we become, the more crucial physical conditioning becomes to our survival. Exercise for the young is an option, exercise for the old is imperative."
(Walter bortz, MD, author of "Dare to be 100.")
*Dr. Blair is Director of Research at The Cooper Institute.
Make your activities of daily living much easier through strength, cardio & muscular endurance, and flexibility training. These will lead to an improvement in your body composition, helping you to look and feel the best you can.
Be amazing,